20189 56 Ave, Langley, BC V3A 3Y6

The Postal code of 20189 56 Avenue is V3A 3Y6. 56 Avenue is a street in Langley British Columbia, Canada, the street address number is 20189. If you want to get more postal codes or address information please browse our website.

Street Information
Name 56 Avenue
Local delivery units(LDU) 3Y6
Forward sortation areas(FSA) V3A
Postal Code V3A 3Y6
Place Langley
County Greater Vancouver
Province British Columbia

Address and Postal Codes in Same Street

Name County Postal Code
20183 56 Avenue Greater Vancouver V3A 3Y6
20285 56 Avenue Greater Vancouver V3A 3Y6
20313 56 Avenue Greater Vancouver V3A 3Y6
20171 56 Avenue Greater Vancouver V3A 3Y6
20185 56 Avenue Greater Vancouver V3A 3Y6
20190 56 Avenue Greater Vancouver V3A 3Y6
20286 56 Avenue Greater Vancouver V3A 3Y6
20227 56 Avenue Greater Vancouver V3A 3Y6
20279 56 Avenue Greater Vancouver V3A 3Y6
20265 56 Avenue Greater Vancouver V3A 3Y6
20284 56 Avenue Greater Vancouver V3A 3Y6
20200 56 Avenue Greater Vancouver V3A 3Y6
20277 56 Avenue Greater Vancouver V3A 3Y6
20310 56 Avenue Greater Vancouver V3A 3Y6
20233 56 Avenue Greater Vancouver V3A 3Y6

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