713 Springwater Pl, Waterloo, ON N2V 2S5

The Postal code of 713 Springwater Place is N2V 2S5. Springwater Place is a street in Waterloo Ontario, Canada, the street address number is 713. If you want to get more postal codes or address information please browse our website.

Street Information
Name Springwater Place
Local delivery units(LDU) 2S5
Forward sortation areas(FSA) N2V
Postal Code N2V 2S5
Place Waterloo
County Waterloo
Province Ontario

Address and Postal Codes in Same Street

Name County Postal Code
715 Springwater Place Waterloo N2V 2S5
711 Springwater Place Waterloo N2V 2S5
707 Springwater Place Waterloo N2V 2S5
712 Springwater Place Waterloo N2V 2S5
714 Springwater Place Waterloo N2V 2S5
709 Springwater Place Waterloo N2V 2S5
705 Springwater Place Waterloo N2V 2S5
710 Springwater Place Waterloo N2V 2S5
708 Springwater Place Waterloo N2V 2S5
706 Springwater Place Waterloo N2V 2S5
713 Springwater Place Waterloo N2V 2S5

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