23 Newland Crescent, Charlottetown, PE C1A 4H5

The Postal code of 23 Newland Crescent is C1A 4H5. Newland Crescent is a street in Charlottetown Prince Edward Island, Canada, the street address number is 23. If you want to get more postal codes or address information please browse our website.

Street Information
Name Newland Crescent
Local delivery units(LDU) 4H5
Forward sortation areas(FSA) C1A
Postal Code C1A 4H5
Place Charlottetown
County Queens
Province Prince Edward Island

Address and Postal Codes in Same Street

Name County Postal Code
26 Newland Crescent Queens C1A 4H5
19 Newland Crescent Queens C1A 4H5
12 Newland Crescent Queens C1A 4H5
25 Newland Crescent Queens C1A 4H5
13 Newland Crescent Queens C1A 4H5
24 Newland Crescent Queens C1A 4H5
30 Newland Crescent Queens C1A 4H5
23 Newland Crescent Queens C1A 4H5
17 Newland Crescent Queens C1A 4H5
22 Newland Crescent Queens C1A 4H5
18 Newland Crescent Queens C1A 4H5
20 Newland Crescent Queens C1A 4H5
21 Newland Crescent Queens C1A 4H5
29 Newland Crescent Queens C1A 4H5
16 Newland Crescent Queens C1A 4H5

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